How To Start Beekeeping

How to start beekeeping

Take Our Online Basic Beginners Beekeeping Course, Online At Your Convenience. 


How to start beekeeping. We are here to help you get started in beekeeping the right way.

1. Purchase your package of bees with a mated queen in the winter to arrive in the spring. The bees are for pick up only at our honey bee farm here in Illinois in the spring. 

2. Purchase your woodenware hive equipment and supplies prior to your bees arriving.

3. Take one of our online beekeeping courses:


Thanks for your interest in beekeeping. We are David and Sheri Burns and we are here to help you become a successful beekeeper. I am a certified master beekeeper which means it is important to me that you get the right information about beekeeping. You've heard the old saying that if you ask 10 beekeepers a question you'll get 11 different answers. You're in good hands with us. You'll notice on our main "home" page we have 40 items giving you the details of beekeeping.

To us, raising bees is one of the most enjoyable hobby/businesses ever. We believe you will enjoy it as well. Some people keep honey bees simply because they are an amazing creature. Did you know that a honey bee flies around 15 mph? A hive of bees flies 55,000 miles to bring us 1 pound of honey. During her life (approximately 40 days) a honey bee will gather about 1/12 teaspoon of honey. Bees must go to two million flowers to gather l pound of honey. Bees can see the same colors we see except red. They can also see ultraviolet. See what awaits you as you become a beekeeper. We offer free online beekeeping lessons, videos and podcasts, as well as sell beekeeping supplies, bees and queens.


You can start with as few as one hive, but we recommend beginners start with two hives. Then each hive will need a 3lb package of bees (about 10,000 bees) with a marked queen.

We pour so much of our time and energy into helping honey bees survive. Several years ago I invented the Winter-Bee-Kind winter feeding system. Don't make your bees go through winter without it.