Tier 1 - Recurring Monthly Email Mentorship Program AE and PayPal can not be used for recurring memberships.

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Please note: We can not take paypal or AE for this mentoring program

Tier 2 - This is a recurring monthly subscription - you can cancel at anytime by emailing honeybeesonline.com@gmail.com.

Within 24- 48 hours after signing up, you will receive a personal email from our care team on how to contact David. 

We call this team BeeTeamSix and was developed nearly 10 years ago. Hundreds of beekeepers have been a part of this team, and many have gone on to become not only successful beekeepers, but also teachers, queen rearers, nuc producers, or own their own beekeeping companies. It has even spawned a commercial beekeeper or two! This program strives to help you master the craft of beekeeping, to understand bees more deeply and to help those of you who may wish to go into queen rearing, teaching, mentoring or become sideliners.  We want you to first do your research, read some books, watch some videos, or take a class first and foremost before joining our program so you have the foundation needed to begin a mentorship program. This program is not meant to just answer a random question (you can google for that!) but instead, to become a serious beekeeper, even as a hobbyist---understanding the biology of bees, the environment, your ecological surroundings and to develop critical thinking skills.  I want you to develop the deep understanding of this hobby and use me as a sounding board, but I won't be your 'remote beekeeper'.  Instead I will be your mentor---someone to bounce ideas off of, to help you problem solve, to help tweak your experiments, or help you discover the resources you need to understand the science of beekeeping. 

With this program you will receive:

- David's personal email for any beekeeping questions you have. Ask as often as you need to, but the questions are dedicated to beekeeping questions/ideas/concerns. The letter that you will receive at sign up will also give you all club parameters and pertinent information. 

- weekly newsletters to motivate and encourage you, explain new studies and research, help you understand what you should be doing during the current season, go more deeply into all things beekeeping

- Thursday night Livestream with others in the community

- Included are discounts, freebies and surprises!

. It is expected that you will have a basic foundation of beekeeping, or an equivalent.  We reserve the right to remove anyone from the team or change the parameters of the program as we see fit. If you need more information, please email honeybeesonline.com@gmail.com.  You can cancel at anytime.