Practical Guide For Controlling Mites



Practical Guide For Understand and Controlling Varroa Destructor Mites

EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns, created a 6 page electronic document (.pdf) that you can download and print. This guide will explain the follow important facts

about varroa mites:


-Life Cycle of the Mite

-Impact of mites on a colony

-Natural methods to control mites such as breaking the queens brood cycle, screen bottom boards and powdered sugar dustings.

-Including videos on how to use natural methods such as green drown comb.

-Chemicals commonly used to control mites

-How To Test For Mites

-Alcohol Wash vs. Powdered sugar methods including helpful videos

-Inspection sheet to help new beginners navigate through understanding what to look to help you gain vital data from you hive so you can take the next step to better your hive's future.


This is an 11 page electronic document (.pdf) that you will download and print. This is not a printed book that we ship.  David has worked hard on this inspection guide and he believes you will not be disappointed. So many beekeepers are so new that when they inspect their hives they simply do not understand what to look for and how to decide if the hive is okay or not. This guide will walk you through how to collect the information you need to make a wise decision for your next step.