Online Getting Your Bees Through The Winter Course- ONLINE

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You’ll receive an invoice/ email immediately which will contain the links (look for the blue links) to our video lessons along with links to our worksheets. If you do not receive this, check your spam box and/or check that you spelled your email correctly (notify us with any changes) 

-No traveling. Enjoy the course in the comfort of your own home.

-No juggling of schedules. Study the lessons/videos at your own pace when you want.


How It Works

You will receive an immediate invoice/email which will contain links to the video lessons and the worksheets to use as you study each lesson. The topics covered in this course are show below. 

What’s Covered In The Getting Your Bees Through The Winter Course

-How feral bees go through the winter in nature

-Winter survival starts from day 1 in the spring

-Mite levels must be below a certain threshold for winter survival

-How to raise your winter bees in the fall

-Your last fall inspection is essential

-Breaking the queen’s brood cycle in the fall to increase winter bees

-Late summer and fall feeding techniques for winter survival

-The art of Wrapping

-Winter ventilation

-Feeding in the winter is a must, but not liquid

-How to properly inspect a hive in the winter

-Green houses, heaters, different types of hives and other winter ideals