Overwintered Hive In Spring

Spring Management of Overwintered Colonies

We all want our bees to survive the winter. When they do, we want them to flourish in the spring. But, if the beekeeper does not have the knowledge to prevent swarms and make splits, the colony might not do well. 

We offer a valuable Spring Management Online Beekeeping Course.  

We'll be covering these topics: How soon to inspect after winter? Feeding solutions in the spring. How to make a walk away split. David's easiest spring split method. How to make splits without buying new queens. Swarm prevention techniques. Split for more hives vs. not splitting to make more honey. Be aware of disease which are more common in the spring. Techniques to equalize hives in the spring. Replenishing the bee yard with more packages vs nucs? How to collect pollen in the spring. Is it okay to reuse old comb from a hive that perished in the winter? Tips on finding your queen. How to install new packages of bees. How to inspect your spring hive. Seasonal management calendar. Feeding solutions for each season.