Beekeeping Test

Test Your Beekeeping Knowledge:
1. What is the main cause of viruses in a colony?
2. How often should you inspect your hive to verify your queen is laying?
3. List ways to reduce varroa mites without the use of chemicals or
4. List two ways to combat small hive beetles.
5. What does one queen cell on the upper section of comb represent?
6. What is the temperature range for applying formic acid such as Mite Away Quick 
7. What are the symptoms of American foulbrood disease?
8. How can you prevent chalkbrood disease in the spring?
9. Small hive beetles can not fly, only crawl. 
10. Small hive beetles cannot survive a winter inside a clustered colony of
       honey bees.
11. Oxalic acid does not kill varroa mites below the capped cell.
12. The universal queen color for 2019 is red.
13. Honey bees are not on the endangered species list.
14. When a colony swarms they always leave with the new queen and the old
       mother queen remains behind with the original colony. 
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