Beekeeping: Getting Your Bees Through The Winter (eBook)

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This is an eBook available for download here or on

Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns, has written a short and compact guide on one of our most pressing problems in beekeeping today, getting honey bees to survive the winter. Written so that even a beginner can understand, David has thoroughly researched this subject, breaking it down in understandable terms for both the new or experienced beekeeper. This book was compiled from his very popular Getting Your Bees Through The Winter course that he offers every fall at the training center at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. This book goes into the details of how to prepare your hive for winter, addressing such subjects as when and how to feed honey bees, the pros and cons of winter wrapping hives, reducing the spread of honey bee viruses, increasing young bee populations in the fall, testing and controlling varroa mites, wind breaks, spring and winter feeding solutions and more.

This book is also available on Amazon as an eBook for a few dollars cheaper, but does not contain photos as found here.