Beekeeping 101

Beekeeping 101

Learning the ins and outs of beekeeping can be a challenge. Honey Bees are an essential part of our food supply. Without honey bees we would see a drastic decrease in foods that are good for us like fruits and vegetables. To have coffee beans we need honey bees for pollination. What about the grasses our cows (beef, milk and ice cream) eat. Our food options would be very limited without honey bees. Do your part now and start keeping bees and help restore the population of honey bees in our country. One of the best ways to make an informed decision on becoming a beekeeper is to take our beginners course. It is a one day class.

Some people only see honey bees as unnecessary, stinging insects that must be killed. This is so sad. What can you do to help save these essential pollinators?

Start keeping honey bees.

Reduce the amount of wild flowers you kill around  your fence rows.

Eliminate the use of poisonous chemicals you use on your own gardens where bees pollinate. There are better and safer ways to grow healthy gardens.

Research how important honey bees are and speak at schools and community clubs on honey bees.

Buy local honey from a hard working beekeeper, rewarding him/her for their hard work.

1. If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper, start with a completely assembled and painted hive.

2. Order a package of bees in January. Do not wait until spring or you will miss out.

3. Take a beekeeping course preferably by a certified master beekeeper.

4. Choose an experienced beekeeper who can give you advice.

5. Secure the proper protective gear you need to be safe against stings.

6. Have fun!